

Where did you go?

Cartagena, Colombia and Costa Rica (Manuel Antonio Area, Dominical, and San Jose).

Why did you choose that destination?

My wife’s friend from high school got married in Colombia (she and her husband are Colombian), and we were supposed to have our honeymoon in 2020 in Costa Rica but had to cancel due to COVID.

What was a memorable moment or something you learned on your trip?

We stayed at Pacific Edge Eco Lodge in Costa Rica and the view of the Pacific Ocean was the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen with the rainforest/mountains on one side and the ocean on the other.

Who did you take along?

My wife and I went to Colombia and Costa Rica but met some of her high school friends in Colombia. They left and went to PA back after the wedding in Colombia and we traveled on to Costa Rica. The wildlife around the lodge was spectacular too, toucans and white faced capuchin monkeys specifically were really close to the lodge.